How you can help

On this page you will find information on how you can help make the world a better place for our students by spreading the word, liking us on Facebook, help us with school renovations or donate schoolbooks, supplies or scholarships.

Donating to or sponsoring a student

You can help give education, health and hope to children in tough situations through the gift of a donation or by sponsoring a student for a “Secondary School Scholarship”. 100% of our donation goes directly to our programs at our schools. CLICK HERE to read more about our “Secondary School Scholarship -program”

If you want to learn more about how to make donation for schoolbooks, school supplies, teddy bears, school renovations or other programs; CLICK HERE.

A 100% of our donation goes in full to for fill the sponsors personal choice. Our field partner Miss Fixit Agency cover all taxes and fees for our incoming donations, so the money gets earmarked and goes directly to our programs on the ground.

Help spread the word

If you want to help spread the word about the Baby Eva Teddy Bear Foundation, you can do that by “LIKING” our page and posts on Facebook.   Our Facebook activity has a direct influence on our sponsors so please help our students by clicking like, sharing our content and telling your friends and families about us. If you want to go the extra mile on spreading the word, we will ship you flyers to give out.

Volunteers and street team members

We are always happy to welcome new volunteers and street team members. We are looking for team members who goes the extra mile for others in need, has giving back woven into their DNA and shares inspiration in order to start a movement to 
create universal education in our lifetime!

If you want to join our street team and help spread awareness feel free to contact us. Our schools have housing for anybody who wants to spend a week or more teaching English to the kids.

Partner up on a project or event

If you are representing a commercial business or company and want to partner up on a project or event, we would love to hear from you. Send an email to We are currently looking for a sponsor for our “Gardening-program”, “Teacher Support -program” and help to renovate the schools, classroom furniture and playground. But we are open to hear any suggestions 🙂 CLICK HERE to read more about this.

Hope to hear from you

Our doors are always open, so if you have a great idea or just want to talk about a project, contact us to make an appointment.

If you want to donate, you have some great tips or want to join our team – contact us today on or fill in the form underneath.